Our Origin

Words of the Founder


Values have always been a big topic in everything I did in my life. After being a multiple school drop out, to everyone's surprise at the age of 20 I successfully managed to found my own financial advisement company. According to society back then I was living the so you call it ‘good life’. I made good money, had financial freedom, was my own boss and had most of the things others would dream of. Now even though this was a very exciting and learnful chapter in my life, during that time I felt completely disconnected from most of the things which actually meant something to me. I was also not aligned at all with the things that were driving this World I joined at a very early age. Guided by the values I have lived by my entire life, I trusted my inner voice who gave me the courage to make a change.

Against all advice but in accordance with my personal core values I decided to give up my life of Western richness, risk my reputation, my relationships and my entire identity in order to follow my passion and find my way back to purpose. As a result of that the Hakuna Mipaka Mission was born and my adventurous journey in the wilderness of South Africa started.

Many things have changed in my life since ever then, but one thing remained the same….THE VALUES!


"Many things have changed in my life since ever then, but one thing remained the same...


Embracing my Values helped me to reach a level of happiness, confidence and satisfaction I have never thought I could find. I knew that no matter what the outcome will be, I could stand proud of what I was doing.

Living by Values did also not only help me to make the right decisions in business but also when it comes to love, family & friends. All the close people in my life today come from completely different backgrounds, families, countries, wealth situations but the thing which connects us and makes us being friends, loved ones and even family is the mutual values we share in life. Having discovered the true power of a Value based Life myself, made me want to share this with the World and hopefully inspire as many people as possible from around the globe to live a life driven by essential values.

 In order to pursue this Mission of bringing back value based life into society I decided together with 2 Friends to found Values Culture.


It is time for a change and it is the responsibility of our Generation to set the revolution. Everyone is seeking values but only a few really live by them and base their decisions in life on them. It is our responsibility to show younger generations that you can be successful and yet be kind, respectful, loyal, transparent, and honest at the same time.

It’s not about being able to be like that it’s about having to be like that in order to find purpose and happiness in what we do!

So how do we bring the awareness of values into our day to day life?


One of the first things we all do every day is to dress up.


One of the first impressions people have from us is when they see us depending on how we are dressed and what we wear.


So the most immediate and best way to express what we are about is through the clothes we wear.

Through Fashion, our objective is to create a
Movementof people who are putting Values
back in the Centre of their lives.

To become a better person, to make their
environment a better place, and ultimately
to make the World a better place!

Use sustainable fashion to remind us – every single day – THAT WE MUST EMBRACE OUR VALUES


The name: “Values Culture”
It says it all “Be Your Values”