About Values

"Let us be reminded - Every single day -

That we must Embrace our Values"


Values Culture was born from the life experience and imagination of Dean Schneider, and came to life through the association of young yet experienced like-minded entrepreneurs.

The team standing behind Values-Culture is united by that same philosophy, and aspire to that same vision: To Initiate a Worldwide movement of people bringing VALUE BASED LIFE back into our society.

Values-Culture’s Mission is Clear: Bring Values back into our society through products that will be as Sustainable and Ethical as possible. Our Value inspired designs allow our community to actively raise awareness and ultimately bring Values back into our society.

“Bring VALUE BASED LIFE back into our society.”

We, within the Values Culture team, are living proofs that living a life Driven by Values is a way to:

  • Helps you make better decision and
  • Become a better version of yourself
  • Have a positive impact on your environment
  • Have a better impact on the World
  • Co-exist with Nature and the Universe in a better way
  • Find Freedom
  • Find Happiness

We believe that this is a simple recipe that will show the same results for anyone. Our Purpose is to spread that message, and inspire people to Embrace their Values, to “Be their Values!” We humbly hope we can initiate the momentum of a Movement, centred on Values. We hope we can gather around us a community of like-minded people, who decided to change the course of their lives by Embracing their Values. And we hope they will join our effort by paying it forward and proudly Wearing their Values every day!


"Find Happiness through a Lifestyle based on your Values."


Five main core values serve as our constant lifeline for every decision we make and every action we take:

KINDNESS [kaɪndnə]: "the quality of being gentle, caring, and helpful.“

LOYALTY [ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti]: "your feelings of support or duty towards a person, an animal or even a thing. The act of being yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action.“

FREEDOM [ˈfriː.dəm]: "the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited."

COURAGE [ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ]: "the ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant and/ or to be brave and confident enough to do what you believe in.“

FAITH [ˈfāth]: "refers to a strong belief, trust, or confidence in something or someone, often without the need for concrete proof or evidence. It can relate to religious or spiritual matters, where it involves a belief in a higher power or divine force. It involves a sense of conviction and reliance on something with the obligation of loyalty or fidelity, even in the absence of complete certainty.“

“Our constant lifeline for every decision we make.”


As a business, our Vision is to establish a new way to measure success.

The success of our enterprise will not be measured by how much revenues and profit it generates, or what percentage of market shares we manage getting. We will consider ourselves SUCCESSFUL once we will have inspired a few more people to adopt our Philosophy, our Lifestyle and to Pay it Forward.

It is all about VALUES, not about PROFIT

OUR SLOGAN: “Be Your Values”

This is the moto that we humbly hope we can inspire people to Embrace.

We believe this message will resonate in the heart and mind of people who will join our effort in bringing Values Back into Our Society.

By proudly wearing their Values as bold and strong statements, we believe that we will inspire them to spread this message to their loved ones, to their colleagues, to their whole environment, and on which ever platform they may have access to, and simply spread the message.